If you buy a house, a realtor will tell you, “location, location, location!” If you want to heal your diastasis, then I’ll tell you, “posture, posture, posture!”

Proper body alignment helps support and give stability to your core.⁣

We need to make sure they are lined up, or it would be hard to regulate and control the abdominal pressure which is important when it comes to healing. ⁣

Furthermore in the long run, if you are not aligning properly, it is going to cause lower back pain if you don’t already have it 😱

Here are some common activities to watch out for:

1) Are you always looking down at your phone or computer? As a result, this will likely cause forward head syndrome making you neck out of alignment.⁣

2) Do you stand and walk like you were pregnant while arching your back and sticking the bottom out, you know that sexy model pose 😉?⁣

3) Are you propped when you are nursing your baby? Or maybe your shoulders and core all tensed up trying to give your baby the best position to feed?⁣

4) Are you carrying your baby with one arm on the side while sticking the hip to the other side💃?⁣ I am so guilty of that myself. It is so much easier to make a “nook” and hold the baby this way!

5) Are you rounding your back when changing a diaper or maybe you are picking up your baby hunching over the crib?

What You Can Do – Tips and Tricks

1) Set an alarm clock to check your posture from time to time, take a picture in front of the mirror on a side angle and see what you can work on.⁣ Awareness is important, knowing which part of your body that is out of alignment so you can intentionally work on it.

If you are unsure, put your back against the wall. Which part of your body is touching the wall first? Is it your bottom? is it your shoulders? How about your head?

2) When you are breastfeeding, can you prop yourself with more pillows and cushions when nursing, so your body is totally relaxed?⁣

Next time when you are nursing, pay attention to your shoulders, are you raising them? What about your arms, it is dangling in the air supporting your baby’s head? Is your core filled with unnecessary pressure because of the way you sit?

3) If you need to carry your baby often, be sure to use a baby carrier. A carrier that fits snuggly and emphasis on putting weight on your hips, not on your core. This is so important, and I can write an entire blog post about it. ⁣

When carrying the baby in the carrier, try to lean forward a little bit instead of leaning back, so you are not back to the preggo posture⁣.

4) Can you raise the changing table, or can you try a different changing position so you are not rounding or sloughing?⁣

I understand these habits may be hard to change but it is crucial that you start paying attention today! As a result, you can finally start seeing the transformation you want the most!



⁣The Difference Between A Successful Body Transformation and an Unsuccessful Body Transformation Is Faith.

You read it – it’s having faith in yourself, in the program, in the whole regime. ⁣

NOT about being motivated, NOT about being consistent, NOT about being disciplined, those are the by-products of having faith, here I will explain what I mean by that: ⁣

If I tell you, you WILL WITHOUT THE DOUBT get your DREAM BODY in 2 months if you follow the workout and nutrition program. Would you follow the program to the T? ⁣

If I tell you, you need to workout 30 minutes a day, eat healthier for the next 2 months, and you will receive $10,000. Would you do it this time? ⁣

In the first scenario, you probably have a lot of questions in your head, I have tried working out before, but it never worked. I can’t get myself motivated. I don’t have time, I love eating too much.. bla bla bla… ⁣

That’s because you lost faith; therefore, you are scared that this is just one of those another workout that you do a few days in the beginning and forget about it. ⁣

Hence,  your “dream body” does NOT matter to you.⁣

Because if you answer “yes” to my second question, then why wouldn’t you answer yes to the first? You being healthy, strong, sexy and confidence worth way more than $10K. Can I get an AMEN on that? ⁣

As a result, it may land you to a better paying job, it will get you to a better relationship with your husband, it will save you money from visiting your doctor when a health problem arises.⁣

Have faith in yourself, have faith in the program you are doing, especially if you have seen great results from others. ⁣

WHY NOT YOU, mama?

Above all, if your are wondering how you can heal your postpartum body, get rid of the mom pooch and feel strong again, download my free blueprint and get a free chat session with me to get you a game plan in place!
